Top Reasons to Hire ERISAdiagnostics, Inc.
Tailored ERISA consulting for items such as: Form 5500, Plan Governance Review, ERISA Compliance Reviews, Audit Preparation, Plan Document, Summary Plan Documents and so much more. Take me there!
Up-to-date items to be aware of regarding ERISA compliance and ERISA Guidelines. Items such as: Covered Service Provider Fee Disclosure, Health Care Reform Guidance, form 5500 and much, much more. Take me there!
Anybody involved with ERISA guidelines and the need for ERISA compliance will find these tools a huge help. When you visit this page, click on the Tools You Can Use tab. Take me there!
Here is a great tool to keep handy and help you stay within ERISA Guidelines. It includes items such as: Annual Limits At a Glance, 401(k) Excesses, Creditable Coverage Notice to CMS, and much more! When you arrive at this page, select the Compliance Cue Cards tab.Take me there!
Need to keep current on ERISA Guidelines and trends? If so this is for you! An example… Target Date Funds – Getting Regulatory Attention. When you arrive at this page, select the Articles tab Take me there!
We keep an archive of industry updates in the form of articles regarding the needs of ERISA professionals including compliance and guidelines. When arriving on this page, just click the Articles tab. Take me there!
ERISAdiagnostics, Inc. believes that it is crucial to apply a Risk Management Process to your employee benefit programs. The Risk Management Process is just that, a process that begins by asking some basic questions:
- Do you have plan documents and summary plan descriptions for your ERISA plans?
- Are they up-to-date? Do they satisfy DOL requirements?
- Do you have contracts in place with your plan providers? (TPA's, recordkeepers, etc.)
- Are the terms of plans followed in operation?
- Do the key players understand and fulfill their roles?
ERISAdiagnostics, Inc. can help you with your benefit compliance challenges, allowing you more time to focus on your business. Our ERISA experience is extensive and in-depth at the corporate level, as well as with the Big 5 national accounting firms, consulting firms, law firms, and government agencies.
Our Information
ERISAdiagnostics, Inc. is a highly focused professional organization with over 30 years of successful benefits consulting, communication, and administration experience.
Our ALERTS are updated monthly and will help you gain valuable insight into ERISA, ERISA compliance, Form 5500, ERISA plans, plan documents and much more. Why not sign up now? We will not share your information, you can unsubscribe at any time. Sign Up
Timely ERISA information at your fingertips
Gain valuable insight into ERISA, ERISA compliance, form 5500, Erisa plan documents plus much more. Simply sign up for our ErisaALERTS. We will not share your information, you can unsubscribe at any time.
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We offer a variety of articles written and published by ERISA professionals containing an assortment of insightful topics. To view our ERISA articles, simply select the ARTICLES tab in the Compliance Corner section of our site.
The Employee Benefits Report is contains daily updates on a variety of topics. These reports are timely and very useful for any person, persons or departments that need to keep informed regarding ERISA.

5500 Preparer’s Manual for 2020 is now available. Click Here for 20% off at checkout!