Health Care Reform Grandfathering – let’s assume the worst The grandfather regulations are out; by now you have read many excellent summaries. However, let’s look at grandfathering from a slightly different perspective – assume the worst will happen, you lose your grandfather status, either knowingly or unknowingly; what does it really mean? (In a previous […]
ErisaALERT 2010-09 Health Care Reform How Many Employees Do You Have
Health Care Reform How many employees do you have? It goes without saying that knowing how many employees you have is critical and a basic piece of information. Health Care Reform makes knowing how many employees you have and how you count them critical for purposes of determining what provisions are applicable to you. The […]
ACA, counting employeesErisaALERT 2010-08 Form 5500 Part II
Form 5500 Roundup In January, we issued an ErisaALERT regarding EFAST2. As we are rapidly approaching the due date for calendar year 5500s, we would like to provide a brief update. EFAST2 new e-signature option The DOL recently issued guidance relating to a service provider signing the Form 5500 on behalf of their client; question […]
DOL, Form 5500ErisaALERT 2010-07 – Health Care Reform Issues Requiring Immediate Focus
Health Care Reform A Quick ERISADIAGNSOTIC™ of Issues Requiring Immediate Focus You have probably attended a few webinars, read many summaries and may be thinking, ok, but what should I be doing now? This diagnostic is designed to help you get started with the same caveats as you read elsewhere, it does not cover the […]
ACAErisaALERT 2010-06 403(b) Plans Part III – Gathering the data
403(b) Plans Part III – Gathering the data You need an audit – what you can expect This ErisaALERT is the third in a series covering issues facing 403(b) plan sponsors. Our first in the series discussed the rules regarding who is subject to an audit as well as tools available to help you select […]
403bErisaALERT 2010-05 403(b) Plans Part II – what can you expect from your auditor You need an audit – what you can expect
403(b) Plans Part II – what can you expect from your auditor You need an audit – what you can expect This ErisaALERT is the second in a series covering issues facing 403(b) plan sponsors. Our first in the series discussed the rules regarding who is subject to an audit as well as tools available […]
403b, audit, auditorErisaALERT 2010-04 DOL Issues Model CHIPRA Notice
DOL Issues Model CHIPRA Notice The DOL issued a model CHIPRA notice on February 4, 2010. As described in our ErisaALERT-2, CHIPRA requires employers that maintain a group health plan in states that offer assistance for health care to provide employees with a written notice of the availability of premium assistance programs under Medicaid or […]
CHIPRA, CHIPRA notice, Disclosure, DOLErisaALERT 2010-03 403(b) Plans The Next Step – determining if you are subject to the audit requirement
403(b) Plans The Next Step – determining if you are subject to the audit requirement Now that you have successfully adopted your plan document and determined whether or not you have an ERISA plan, it is time to focus on ERISA audits. This ErisaALERT is the first in a series covering issues facing 403(b) plan […]
403b2, auditErisaALERT 2010-02 Cobra Subsidy Extension
COBRA Subsidy Extension Background The period during which an individual may qualify for the COBRA premium subsidy that was due to expire on December 31, 2009 under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) (see ErisaALERT 2009-1) has been extended for six months as part of the Department of Defense Appropriations Act (the Act) for […]
COBRA, COBRA subsidyErisaALERT 2010-01 EFAST2 What you need to know now!
EFAST2 What you need to know now! Background You have been hearing about it and now it is here! The 2009 Form 5500 must be filed electronically. In order to file electronically, you must obtain credentials from the Department of Labor even if you already have a user ID and password for EFAST. EFAST2 is […]
5500, EFAST2, Reporting